I just hate seeing the red line down. I played 9 hours and it's down 700. It makes me feel like the day has been a waste.
And I KNOW that what I just wrote is nonsense. The red line has swings of it's own. I need to go back to the Attitude Change that I talked about earlier. I have to keep putting in the games and play well. I definitely didn't play my A game today.
I am going to post my graph of the year so far, which will put that latest red line downswing in perspective. It's so silly to get worked up over it.

Whoever said that playing poker professionally was easy is so wrong.
I actually made 1300 today, but it didn't even strike me that I was up. I am so obsessed with the red line. Before I knew of it, I would refresh my cashier 100 times a session. Now I refresh my red line 100 times a session.
My only goal for tomorrow is to play a decent amount and think about every decision. If I do that, then the red line will take care of itself.
There has been alot of talk on the raise the river poker forum about checking the balance whilst playing. The general advice on there is to try and not check the balane at all and just concentrate on playing. Poker is about long term profitablility and not short term winning or losing, so the idea is to play your best poker, not care about daily winnings and check at the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteAll that said, i can't do that but then i'm not certain i'm a winning player so need to check what my bankroll is.
I think the whole idea cam from a book called the poker mindset. i've had a look and found the link to the forum that discussed this: